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Monday, June 25, 2012

Tobacco endeavor: A Quick puff

My germinated seedlings are now full flung sprouts, they grow up so fast.  Anyways with all of that crap out of the way. I am now going thin out the heard by picking the ones I don't want. But before I can do that. I need a pair of tweezers, so that I can surgically remove the sprouts that are weak or on the edge of the pot.

So after I find a pair of tweezers and remove the weak leaving only the strong…I will update you guys with more news on how my tobacco plant is doing. Well puff you later.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tobacco Endeavor: Part Three

This post will be short but the reason I have decided to write a post is to tell you this.

My tobacco seeds have germinated and started to sprout. Now before you start jumping up in down with excitement. I have still ways to go before I can call these sprouts tobacco. A word to the wise, never cover up your tobacco seeds after you sprinkle them onto the soil. It will take forever for them to germinate. Bathe them in light and make sure that they have enough water so that the plants won't be begging for water.

So…with that I'll puff you later.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tobacco Endeavor: Part two

So after four months of purchasing tobacco seeds and three months thinking that said purchase was a scam. I found out that my packet of Tobacco seeds, Cuban Corilla, had actually arrived. Now I am excited and to start on this endeavor and will do my most to update you on the progress.

I won't however being putting a deadline nor be updating you guys every day but every weak as to keep it easy for me. But I won't be doing this week as I will be at the beach. Now before you congratulate me on going to the sandy place where it meets the sea. Its a nightmare in which I won't be waking up for a long week.

So with the tortuous week ahead. Don't epect me to update you on how smoking at the beach can be enhanced with a good drink in hand, which is always peach juice with rum. Or any citrus fruit with rum, drink.

So with that I'll puff you later.