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Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Mad Pipe Maker

If Alice ever wondered what did the Mad Hatter smoked. Then my guess is some really strong wacky tobacky. But how did the Mad Hatter smoke his wacky tobacky, he bought a pipe from Mr. Pipes or his Russian name Misha Revyagin.

Now if you are from Russia and you are thinking that I am giving an unfair biased criticism of his work. Then you'll be partly right, I am giving him unfair biased praise of his work. Because frankly his pipes are beautiful in the way that they are carved.  Honestly when I first saw them my first was respect, I thought they should be in an art museum, due there artistic beauty.

But if you already seen them and then really you first thought was this. Holy shit are those pipes? Seriously I need stop doing acid. 

However despite the pipes being shaped like something out of a LSD high, they are cool and I would place them high on the Need to add it to my collection scale. Despite the fact that they'll cost more than a plane ticket to Moscow. But hey who said high quality means cheapness.

So with that I'll puff you later.

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